Thursday, September 25, 2008

Social Leadership

so tomorrow is Social Leadership i'm pretty exited im going over to Brady's house and hangin out there until its time to go hope social Leadership is more fun then it was last year. Last year was ok not that great 9th grade should be fun.


Unknown said...

Logan social leadership was never fun, ever.

Logan said...

ummmmmmm ok who ever you are

Logan said...

ummmmmmm ok who ever you are

haylee ann (: said...

who's david???

Logan said...

i have no clue

tkdkid said...

social leadership has saved my butt so many times! it is fun if you make it fun! I felt the same way but let me tell you. soak it all in now! I actually really really MISS IT!

Logan said...

Thanks Dellany :D